About me

Kind regards

Jeanne Corey Marchand

I am a runner.  I never thought I'd say this as I have never "liked" running.  I used to take off as fast as I could and then make it about 2 miles huffing and puffing.  I  have been involved with fitness since I was a teenager.  I started teaching aerobics in the early 80's fresh out of high school.  I did my share of weight training and then started running in 2009 to lose some weight that I gained when I started my part time job in a restaurant at night to help suplement my daughters college. 

My first 5K was the Avon Road Race 2009.  I remember running by people that were cheering me on.  I loved it.  I collapsed at the finish and my quads were on fire!  From that point on I was hooked; 2 stress fractures later, 107 marathons, I can now call myself a runner.

I started this blog with a goal to encourage any runner that wants to run their first marathon or just wants to start running.  I want to bring the same joy and euphoria that I experience with each marathon.  They aren't always good - but with each bad, I have a new "lessons learned" that I would like to share.

We are all unstoppable!   

Keep running, never give up, we are all "machines"!


RRCA Certified Running Coach

Marathons Completed: 107

Boston Marathons Completed 11

Major's Completed:  

NYC, Boston, Chicago, Berlin, London & Tokyo

Hartford Marathon Ambassador, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

San Francisco Ambassador, 2017, 2019

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