Welcome to Team AICR!
I would love to help you create your Fundraising video. Here are some guidelines to follow for your video:
Your video should be at least 2 minutes and should not ever exceed 5 minutes. You want to keep you audience's attention. Most people will start to get distracted if the videos are too long.
Please provide the following:
1. Name:
2. Your story: Provide a breif story of why you are fundraising for AICR. Do you have some one that was diagnosed with Cancer? Someone that you've lost from Cancer? It's important to be clear why you want to fundrasie for AICR and your passion. If you want to use your voice please provide a MP4 or MP3 recording.
3. Photos of yourself
4. Link to your fundraising page
Below is a short video that you can use as a sample for your story. I'd be happy to meet with you to help create/edit and review your video.